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Specially fabricated acrylic trophies

So many reasons and so many seasons….so many performances the world over for so many professional and aspiring individuals!  Catering to the image portrayed by these brave souls; the victories they have embraced. The initial moment has passed but the feeling still lives on, draped in the façade of a trophy. Not just any old trophy……..a specially fabricated acrylic trophy.

That unique acrylic business card holder on your desk that captures your clientele’s attention causing them to marvel at the imaginative design or that brochure holder in the front office that seems to hold more personality then the brochures themselves. How about the coffee table with its uniquely adequate and functional design? Gaze at the intricately constructed display cases or feast your eyes on the elegantly crafted point of sale unit. Exquisitely crafted jewellery display stands resonates style and sophistication.

Acrylic adds personality and character to any signage or item that you can imagine and have created. Personality is the underpinning of the innovative design capabilities that acrylic possesses. No longer will acrylic fabrication be only hitched to trophies but diversified to include ingeniously functional ideas.

How very pragmatic to have developed the ideology, that it is not compulsory to stick to the custom. Colour outside of the lines; smash the mould of conformity. Acrylic fabrication is an art, to be explored with the painter’s brush of Michelangelo or to be composed like the tunes of Mozart!

Embassy Plastics have taken acrylic fabrication in the UK into the stratosphere; beyond earthly imagination to incorporate unconventional ideas of immense magnitudes. From conception to production this team of masterminds mould and shape many items out of acrylic. So much so that it has become they second nature.  Colour, style, occasion; there is no limitation of what can be replicated in acrylic.

No one shall be speared the artistic intellect that permeates and proliferates outside of all known traditionalisms when it comes to acrylic fabrication by Embassy Plastics, the leaders in acrylic fabrication in the UK.  So the next time you desire professional quality that is unsurpassed, ingeniously designed products or quality merchandise do not hesitate to give them a call or visit their website. You are one step away from reaping resounding success and accolades for having the forethought to make your business, home, office or occasion stand out far above the rest. You will be glad you did.